The Project

When we talk about the future of artisanship, we talk about the future of our livelihood. We look at the past with a sense of satisfaction, but we need to act  now – in the present – to enable a better future for generations to come

We profoundly believe that the artisanship world needs to be fertile days further cross fertilize fromwith the outside, from the areas of economy, business management, entrepreneurship, etc., but we also know that the artisans’ voices must be heard and lead the path, as the customer needs and meeting them to the smallest details are the crucial factors in any future scenario growth of artisanship sort

We do not pretend to replace important advances of the last few years that made a substantial contribution to the studies of artisanship in many fields. 

We would like to add our voice, and to make it as genuine and concise as possible. We want Tto tell our stories, together with every fellow artisan of Florence, and together to meet and share our experiences, hopefully creating the context and the premise for more serious advanced work of research centered on the Florentine artisanal  know-how and experience